
Visit of teachers of Natural Sciences of Secondary Education to NOESIS

ON 4 and 5 October, 120 teachers of Natural Sciences from schools of the Directorates of Secondary Education of Eastern and Western Thessaloniki visited NOESIS.

The visits were organized by the department of educational programs of NOESIS in collaboration with the heads of the Laboratory Centers of Natural Sciences (NCSR) of Evosmos and Toumba, as well as the coordinators of educational work of the 1st and 2nd PE.K.E.S. (Regional Center for Educational Planning) of Central Macedonia.

The purpose of the visits was to present the new temporary exhibition of NOESIS “Connected – The history of computers and life with the Internet”, as well as the new educational programs of the institution for high school and lyceum students during the school period 2022-2023.

The event ended with the screening of the film “The Sceptic Movie”, a co-production of the online channel “The Sceptic Theory” and NOESIS.

Published: October 11, 2022