
Newton room – presentation

In the presence of the Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, students made “flights” to NOESIS.

“The Region of Central Macedonia with the educational organization Eduact and the support of NOESIS brought to Thessaloniki a Newton room for the first time. The Newton room is a portable “room” that essentially brings our students and children closer to science. In other words, what they learn in their schools, they come here and see it in practice. It is a great effort that has been made recently by Eduact and the Region of Central Macedonia and I want to thank NOESIS for the hospitality. It is with great pleasure that we see hundreds of schools from Central Macedonia that have already visited the Newton room we created. In the coming years we will upgrade it because we see huge interest and of course it is very important to do actions that bring our children closer to science. To show them in practice what all that they learn in school means. In the coming period in the Region of Central Macedonia we have developed a series of actions around new technologies with the ultimate goal of making innovation and new technologies the third main development pillar of our region”.

The Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, stated the above during the informative event / presentation of the Newton room science, which is located in NOESIS until October 20. Flight plans, meteorological maps, time measurement units, are just some of the information that students are asked to process in order to “fly” with the special flight simulators in the Newton room room.

The Newton Room was designed by the non-profit educational organization FIRST Scandinavia and for the first time came to Greece from the educational organization Eduact. It is the result of a partnership between the Digital Governance Region of RCM and Eduact and has been established since mid-September in NOESIS.

This science room is dedicated to the theme “Up in the air with numbers – an Airy Adventure” and focuses on mathematics and physics. Students design and implement their own virtual flight by measuring speed, distance and time. The educational material of the theme “Up in the air with numbers-an Airy Adventure” as well as the flight simulators have been developed in collaboration with Boeing.

“When we started working with Eduact, we were the first Region in Greece to embrace educational robotics. We have in Thessaloniki an educational organization, Eduact and the NOESIS Technology Center that provide the opportunity to the children of Macedonia to come into contact, to experience science. Our goal is for children to acquire technological literacy and to develop other similar digital culture actions”, said among others the Deputy Regional Governor of Digital Governance Angelos Charisteas who successfully tested a flight simulation in the Science Room.

The educational program of the Newton room was attended by high school students of the DELASAL school. The students had the opportunity to talk with the Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, the Deputy Regional Governor of Digital Governance Angelos Charisteas, the General Director of NOESIS, Thanasis Kontonikolaou and the President of Eduact and educator Costas Vassiliou, who referred to the central idea of the science room, but also the way in which rapid technological developments will shape the future. As Mr Blair said. Basil, “Knowledge is man’s most precious asset.”

“Our cooperation with the educational organization Eduact is multifaceted and multilevel”, stressed among others the General Director of NOESIS, Thanasis Kontonikolaou.

The event was also attended by Directors of Education from the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia.

Published: October 18, 2022