
8th Student Robotics Festival – participation and awards by NOESIS

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, the 8th Student Robotics Festival took place at the multipurpose space of the Experimental Gymnasium of the University of Macedonia.

The Student Robotics Festival is a co-organization of the Regional Directorate of Education of Central Macedonia, the Directorates of Secondary and Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki, the Experimental Gymnasium of the University of Macedonia, the Coordinators of the Educational Project PEKES of K. Macedonia and the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykies, in collaboration with NOESIS – Science Center and Technology Museum and the Laboratory of Didactics of Physical and Educational Technology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

mathitiko-festival-photo1More than 300 students with 45 projects coming from 34 school units from all over Greece participated in this celebration of robotics, volunteerism, equal opportunities and inclusion, presenting innovative projects focusing on people.

NOESIS actively contributed to this event, participating in the scientific committee of the Festival, with Nikos Pachtas, member of the Board of NOESIS, evaluating all the exhibition works.

mathitiko-festival-photo4The General Director of NOESIS, Thanasis Kontonikolaou, during his greeting, congratulated all students for their efforts, emphasizing that NOESIS is a “home of education”, where the Student Innovation of schools will be hosted and highlighted.

mathitiko-festival-photo5Then Mr. Kontonikolaou awarded robotics teams that were distinguished with the NOESIS award, offering the students – winners free invitations to the Foundation’s shows.

mathitiko-festival-photo6Finally, the Regional Directors of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, Thomas Bacharakis, thanked NOESIS for its valuable cooperation in the Student Robotics Festival and honored the Foundation with an Honorary Plaque – Praise for its many years of contribution to student events.


Published: December 12, 2022