News-Announcements Science of Cooking

Science of Cooking Project – Meeting in Thessaloniki 22-23.11.2023

1st meeting of project participants in Thessaloniki

The first face-to-face meeting of the Project “Science of cooking: Learning STEM subjects through cooking for persons with Intellectual disabilities” took place at NOESIS, on 22-23 November 2023, with the presence of 12 people from the participating organizations.

During the meeting, the overall project management plan was presented. The coordinators of the deliverables presented their ideas and proposals for the implementation of the activities under development, while through discussions and exchange of views and experiences, both the content and the timetable of the individual tasks were co-formulated.

Parallel activities took place on the sidelines of the meeting, during which participants had the opportunity to visit the Technology Museum and NOESIS projection spaces, as well as to tour the historic center of Thessaloniki.

Published: November 28, 2023