Activities News-Announcements

Peiramatistas – NEW sections

A little aside, please, the Peiramatistas came! From toddlers (older) to second grade The laboratories of Peiramatistas include simple experiments with everyday materials, smart toys and constructions. The workshop process is participatory, collaborative and intensely experiential. It concerns STEAM sciences (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) and combines experiments, constructions, games. The new cycle of workshops […]

Activities News-Announcements

Video Games Coding – NEW training program

For students of D’ Elementary – B’ Gymnasium The PROGRAM NOESIS Space Tech by Robotixlab, is a series of independent thematic workshops (Robotics in space, Electronics, Video Games Coding, 3D modelling – 3D printing) with a common theme of space technology. Each thematic workshop is completed in 2 sessions, lasting 2 hours each. Video Games […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of a position for a Technician for the staffing of the technical service of KDEMT

The Foundation Science Center and Technology Museum announces the following technician position: To see the announcement click here. Applications are accepted within twenty (20) calendar days from the publication of this call, i.e. no later than 7/3/2023. For more information, please contact Please use email for your possible inquiries.  

News-Announcements Noesis Society Schools

NOESIS participates in the program “The School, Channel of Art and Science” 2023

NOESIS – Science Center and Technology Museum of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki, participates again this year in the cooperation action “The School, Channel of Art and Science” by providing free tickets for the participation of students in activities of the organization. The action allows the participation of […]

Activities News-Announcements Noesis Society

NOESIS in the program “The School, Channel of Art and Science” 2020

NOESIS – Science Center and Technology Museum of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki, participates once again this year in the cooperation action “The School, Channel of Art and Science” by providing free tickets for the participation of students in activities of the organization. The action allows the participation […]

Activities News-Announcements

“I am mastering and learning!” – kite workshop for students from third grade to first grade and their parents

… and the workshop becomes a family affair! In the family program children and parents sit at the same table and join forces. They harness their imagination and creativity and work together for a common purpose, exploring materials, tools and methods, while developing skills that create real connections with science, technology and engineering. Come, spend […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Results of the announcement of the position “Part-time Assistant Accountant for the staffing of the Directorate of Administrative Services of the KDEMT”

The Foundation for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Museum announces the result for the job position “Part-time Assistant Accountant for the staffing of the Directorate of Administrative Services of the KDEMT”. To see the decision of the evaluation results click here. To see the announcement click here. For more information, please contact Please […]