
Collaboration between NOESIS and the Greek Office ESERO – Free activities at the Planetarium for 400 students

NOESIS and the Greek ESERO Office (European Space Education Resource Office), which is an educational axis of the European Space Agency (ESA), signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, aiming at the development and implementation of educational applications of informal education, the cooperation with the educational community, structures of the public and private sector, as well as […]


Poster participation in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

NOESIS participates with a poster in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education, which takes place online on November 15-17, 2022 (for more at The Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education are organized by the Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) of the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) (, in support of the […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of the position “Secretariat for the Support of the Call Center – Works and Services”

The Foundation Science Center and Technology Museum announces the following job position: Secretariat for the Support of the Call Center – Projects and Services. To see the announcement click here. Applications are accepted within twenty (20) calendar days from the publication of this call, i.e. no later than 1/12/2022. For more information, those interested can […]

News-Announcements Taste

TASTE project – meeting in Heidelberg, Germany

In the framework of the Erasmus plus European project TASTE, during the five-day period 23-27 October 2022, the second mobility / exchange of students-teachers in the framework of the Teaching – Learning activities action and the second face-to-face transnational project meeting (TPM) took place in Heidelberg, Germany. NOESIS was represented by Eleana Balla, project manager […]

News-Announcements Taste

TASTE project – meeting in Modena, Italy

In the framework of the Erasmus plus European project TASTE, during the five-day period 1-5 May 2022, the first mobility / exchange of students and teachers in the framework of the Teaching – Learning activities action and the first face-to-face transnational project meeting took place in Modena, Italy. NOESIS was represented by Eleana Balla, project […]

Activities News-Announcements

Creative robotics – NEW sections with NEW content

We discover robotics and ancient Greece, recycling (UpCycling) and reusing our old toys For kindergarten students up to the second grade of primary school A program that combines the introduction to robotics, programming, creative construction and learning, through the practice of children’s free imagination. Independent cycles of 3 workshops each take place. With a focus […]

Featured Posts News-Announcements

Ocean Odyssey – NEW 3D film at the Cosmotheatre

Enjoy the new film screened at the NOESIS Cosmotheatre. Watch the journey of a small whale in the ocean, in one of the largest sea currents on Earth. Get to know the richness of the oceans and discover how the climatic conditions, the ecosystem, the economy and life on our planet are inextricably linked to […]