Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of results for the position of trainer of educational programs

The Foundation Science Center and Technology Museum announces the results for the recruitment of “Animator of educational activities and creative activities of children”, in the projects “Educational programs for free visitors (SK) & Family” and “Explora Summer camp” with code EMPS2024. A candidate who wishes to submit an objection regarding the result (decision to accept […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of a job position for additional auxiliary staff of animator

The Foundation “Science Center and Technology Museum” announces a job position for additional fixed-term, part-time auxiliary staff with an employment contract (Job Code EMPS2024: “Animator/animator of educational activities and creative activities of children”), in the framework of the projects “Educational programs for free visitors (SK) & Family” and “Explora Summer camp” of the Science Center […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of results for the position of additional fixed-term auxiliary staff with code “ΒLOG24-1”

The Foundation Science Center and Technology Museum announces the results for the position of additional fixed-term, full-time auxiliary staff under an employment contract, with code “ΒLOG24-1”. A candidate who wishes to submit an objection regarding the result (decision to accept results) is entitled to submit it in writing to KDEMT (6thkm Thessaloniki-Thermi, P.C. 57001, Thermi, […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Announcement of results for full-time and part-time positions

The Science Center and Technology Museum announces the results of the calls for expressions of interest according to the announcements of 7 positions of the Directorate of Research, Design and Development (full-time and part-time). Here are the results of the posts: 01- Support manager of co-funded programs & projects (Full time – 12 months) Job […]

Featured Posts News-Announcements

A New Start in EPAL – Five years full of action

Five years full of action, inspiration and many experiences completes the program “A New Start in EPAL”, which aims to upgrade the vocational education of our country. Five years from 2018 to 2023, which has been designated as the European Year of Skills, their implementing body, NOESIS, supported more than 1000 Action Plans (projects) which […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Call results for the creation of a video for the project “A New Beginning in EPAL”

The Science Center and Technology Museum “NOESIS”, a non-profit legal entity governed by private law and a Technological Institution, according to article 13A of the Law. 4310/2014, which is therefore subject to the provisions of the Law. 4957/2022, based in Thermi, Thessaloniki, 6th km. Charilaou-Thermi Street, publishes the result for the assignment of the project: […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies


The President of the Science Center and Technology Museum,   Considering: N. 4314/2014 (Government Gazette A’ 265) “A) For the management, control and implementation of development interventions for the programming period 2014-2020, B) Incorporation of Directive 2012/17 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 (OJ L 156/16.6.2012) into Greek law, […]


EcoZoo – An original biodiversity theme park

Dream-Workers, Eksagon Exhibitions and NOESIS, are preparing a unique and original animal theme park, EcoZoo! Eco Zoo A whole realistic and at the same time fairytale world will be presented in different sections, halls and sections of the park. It is clear that the “Eco Zoo” is the largest animal park in the world that […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Call for tenders for video production

The Science Center and Technology Museum “NOESIS”, a non-profit legal entity governed by private law and a Technological Institution, according to article 13A of the Law. 4310/2014, which is therefore subject to the provisions of the Law. 4957/2022, based in Thermi, Thessaloniki, 6th km. Charilaou-Thermis Street, conducts market research for the assignment of the project: […]