Competitions - Job Vacancies

Results of the call for a research project contract

Regarding the invitation published for the conclusion of a contract for the award of a contract, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4412/2016, for the following project: “Study of technical specifications and architectural applications of information and smart devices”, in the framework of the implementation of the project entitled “ECOZOO” – Science Theme Park” […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Invitation to conclude a research project contract

The CENTER FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF SCIENCES AND MUSEUM OF TECHNOLOGY “NOESIS”, in the framework of the implementation of the project entitled “ECOZOO” – Scientific Theme Park” with code KMP6-0240621, which is funded by the region of Central Macedonia under the program “Innovation Investment Plans”, co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Results of project notices

Regarding the projects “A new beginning in EPAL”, Ecozoo – science theme park and Animators DR Noesis, the results of the job advertisements are announced. Project: A New Beginning in EPAL, positions of EPIC22-1 and EPIC22-2. Please find attached the evaluation minutes: EPIC22-1 and EPIC22-2. Project: Ecozoo science theme park, site RESEARCH02 Please find attached […]

Call for expressions of interest for 4 fixed-term jobs in the MNAE program

The Science Center and Technology Museum, in the framework of the Act “Support and Management of the Action Plans of the project “A New Beginning in EPAL”” and MIS code 5011051 which has been included in the Action entitled “A New Beginning in EPAL” of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning” […]

Competitions - Job Vacancies

Filling one position of Researcher – Scient. Partner

Filling of one position of temporary staff (Position Code: RESEARCH02) in the framework of the project with code KMP6-0240621 entitled “ECOZOO – SCIENTIFIC THEMATIC PARK” of the Act “INVESTMENT PLANS FOR INNOVATION” of the O.P. of the Region of Central Macedonia. In the context of the implementation of the Act entitled “ECOZOO – SCIENTIFIC THEMATIC […]