
Free family program “FAST Heroes 112 at NOESIS” 12.3.2023

For children from toddlers (older) to third grade and their parents Become a FAST Hero in NOESIS, have fun, save lives! In the family program children and parents sit at the same table and join forces. They use their imagination and creativity and work together for a common purpose. FAST Heroes 112 at NOESIS Through […]

Activities News-Announcements

Pi’s Day: Let’s square the circle! – NEW educational program for children from third to sixth grade

The NOESIS team invites you to the NEW educational program they created, inspired by the science of Mathematics! The moment we have all been waiting for is a fact! Children will love Mathematics and solve all their problems! How will this be done? Mathematics is everywhere! Mathematics is present in the chair you sit in, […]

Activities News-Announcements

Free family program “FAST Heroes 112 at NOESIS” 5.3.2023

For children from toddlers (older) to third grade and their parents Have fun with FAST Heroes 112 and with them you will learn to save lives! In the family program children and parents sit at the same table and join forces. They use their imagination and creativity and work together for a common purpose. FAST […]

Activities News-Announcements

3D Modelling 3D Printing – NEW training program

For students of D’ Elementary – B’ Gymnasium The NOESIS Space Tech by Robotixlab program is a series of independent thematic workshops (Robotics, Electronics, Video Games coding, 3D modelling – 3D printing) with a common theme of space technology. Each thematic workshop is completed in 2 sessions, lasting 2 hours each. 3D Modelling – 3D […]

News-Announcements Taste

TASTE project – meeting at NOESIS

In the framework of the Erasmus plus European project TASTE, on 12-16 February 2023 , the third mobility / exchange of students – teachers in the framework of the Teaching – Learning activities action and the third face-to-face transnational project meeting (TPM) took place in Thessaloniki. The mobility, which was co-organized by NOESIS and the […]

Activities News-Announcements

Peiramatistas – NEW sections

A little aside, please, the Peiramatistas came! From toddlers (older) to second grade The laboratories of Peiramatistas include simple experiments with everyday materials, smart toys and constructions. The workshop process is participatory, collaborative and intensely experiential. It concerns STEAM sciences (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) and combines experiments, constructions, games. The new cycle of workshops […]

Activities News-Announcements

Video Games Coding – NEW training program

For students of D’ Elementary – B’ Gymnasium The PROGRAM NOESIS Space Tech by Robotixlab, is a series of independent thematic workshops (Robotics in space, Electronics, Video Games Coding, 3D modelling – 3D printing) with a common theme of space technology. Each thematic workshop is completed in 2 sessions, lasting 2 hours each. Video Games […]


Volunteering at NOESIS – new informative meeting for inclusion in the volunteer team of the organization 1.3.2023

NOESIS, as a cultural institution and a living cell of the social fabric, offers the opportunity to those who wish to become volunteers and to participate with their skills, experience, knowledge and positive mood in the operation of the Foundation. Through this collaboration, the volunteer can participate in the large family of NOESIS, in a […]

News-Announcements Noesis Society Schools

NOESIS participates in the program “The School, Channel of Art and Science” 2023

NOESIS – Science Center and Technology Museum of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki, participates again this year in the cooperation action “The School, Channel of Art and Science” by providing free tickets for the participation of students in activities of the organization. The action allows the participation of […]

Activities News-Announcements Noesis Society

NOESIS in the program “The School, Channel of Art and Science” 2020

NOESIS – Science Center and Technology Museum of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki, participates once again this year in the cooperation action “The School, Channel of Art and Science” by providing free tickets for the participation of students in activities of the organization. The action allows the participation […]