
Guide to teaching natural sciences with experiments – book presentation 27.11.2022

At NOESIS, just a few weeks before the holidays, on Sunday, November 27, 2022, the magic of Christmas will try to take something from the magic of science through experiments with everyday materials that will impress young and old. So, if, among other things, you are wondering: • Why a huge ship floats while a […]

Activities News-Announcements

Electronics – NEW training program

For students of D’ Elementary – B’ Gymnasium The NOESIS Space Tech by Robotixlab program is a series of independent thematic workshops (Robotics, Electronics, Video Games coding, 3D modelling – 3D printing) with a common theme of space technology. Each thematic workshop is completed in 2 sessions, lasting 2 hours each. By participating and successfully […]

Activities Activities News-Announcements

Christmas at NOESIS 2021!

NOESIS, as every year, since the beginning of December has planned a variety of activities with a festive mood in the spirit of the days. The stable program of the institution with the screenings and the permanent and temporary exhibitions, during this period is enriched with festive workshops, constructions, experiments, games and science shows. Specifically, […]


Collaboration between NOESIS and the Greek Office ESERO – Free activities at the Planetarium for 400 students

NOESIS and the Greek ESERO Office (European Space Education Resource Office), which is an educational axis of the European Space Agency (ESA), signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, aiming at the development and implementation of educational applications of informal education, the cooperation with the educational community, structures of the public and private sector, as well as […]


Poster participation in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education

NOESIS participates with a poster in the 4th Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education, which takes place online on November 15-17, 2022 (for more at The Shaw-IAU Workshops on Astronomy for Education are organized by the Office of Astronomy for Education (OAE) of the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) (, in support of the […]

News-Announcements Noesis Society

Free digital literacy from NOESIS – seminars at B ́ KAPI of the Municipality of Thessaloniki

Digital literacy in old age by NOESIS Free seminars for people from 65 years old in the Municipality of Thessaloniki With the funding of the Region of Central Macedonia The Program Digital Literacy in the Third Age, a collaboration of NOESIS with the Independent Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support of the Region of Central […]


Volunteering at NOESIS – new informative meetings for inclusion in the volunteer team of the organization

NOESIS, as a cultural institution and a living cell of the social fabric, offers the opportunity to those who wish to become volunteers and to participate with their skills, experience, knowledge and positive mood in the operation of the Foundation. Through this collaboration, the volunteer can participate in the large family of NOESIS, in a […]

News-Announcements Taste

TASTE project – meeting in Heidelberg, Germany

In the framework of the Erasmus plus European project TASTE, during the five-day period 23-27 October 2022, the second mobility / exchange of students-teachers in the framework of the Teaching – Learning activities action and the second face-to-face transnational project meeting (TPM) took place in Heidelberg, Germany. NOESIS was represented by Eleana Balla, project manager […]

News-Announcements Taste

TASTE project – meeting in Modena, Italy

In the framework of the Erasmus plus European project TASTE, during the five-day period 1-5 May 2022, the first mobility / exchange of students and teachers in the framework of the Teaching – Learning activities action and the first face-to-face transnational project meeting took place in Modena, Italy. NOESIS was represented by Eleana Balla, project […]

Activities News-Announcements

Discovering art – Recycling technology – NEW sections with NEW content

Children compose a unique artistic work, based on an art movement with elements of technology of past decades For students from third to fifth grade With this program we help children to appreciate visual artistry in different ways and on multiple levels. We encourage them to get to know various artistic currents (Realism, Surrealism, Cubism, […]