
16th Student Conference on Computer Science 2-5.4.2024 – 2nd announcement

2nd Announcement of the 16th Student Conference of Informatics of Central Macedonia 2 – 5 April 2024, at NOESIS Conference Center We would like to inform you of the new deadline for the submission of abstracts for the conference, which is Tuesday, March 5 (extension). The participating teachers should arrange for the final submission of […]

Activities News-Announcements

Pi’s Day: Let’s square the circle! NEW educational program for third to sixth grade

NOESIS invites children to the new educational program inspired by the science of Mathematics, to reach conclusions regarding the basis set for squaring the circle with rule and diabetes. Get ready to square the circle… or maybe not? Do you feel that math creates problems for you that you wouldn’t have without it? NOESIS’ educational […]

Activities News-Announcements

Don’t think too much about it! Introduction to theatrical improvisation for Fifth Grade – A Gymnasium

Did you ever imagine that theatre could exist without a script, sets and costumes? Through theatrical improvisation you can be whoever you want, go wherever you want and do whatever you want, all within NOESIS. In this workshop, utilizing the basic principles of improvisation, we cultivate our spontaneity and creativity, strengthen our self-confidence and learn […]

Activities News-Announcements

Kite Workshop – NEW family program for children of Third Elementary-A ́ Gymnasium and their parents

Family program “I tinker and learn!” Construction workshops for children of the third elementary-first grade of gymnasium and their parents … and the workshop becomes a family affair! In the family program children and parents sit at the same table and join forces. They harness their imagination and creativity and work together for a common […]

Activities News-Announcements

Rockets and satellites for Toddlers – Third Grade

Let’s build rockets and satellites, program them and animate them! We’ll build our own galaxy and see… shooting stars! (live presentation of experiments). The workshop is organized by Skylene Science Kids Academy. Date: Sunday 25/2/2024 Hours: 12.00-13.00 Stock: 20 Cost: 10€/ child For registrations (only electronically) click here. Information: Maria Karnezou Telephone: 2310 483 000, […]

News-Announcements Noesis Society

NOESIS participates in the program “The School, Channel of Art and Science” 2024

NOESIS in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Thessaloniki, participates again this year in the cooperation action “The School, Channel of Art and Science” by providing free tickets for the participation of students in the activities of the organization. The action allows the participation of teachers, students of school units that have […]

Activities News-Announcements

Take the first step! – NEW dance workshop

For primary and secondary school children A workshop for primary and secondary school children. All you need to have with you is an appetite to… Follow the steps! The workshop was designed and will be implemented by executives of Kafantaris Dance Schools. Date: Sunday 18/2/2024 Hours: 17.00-18.00 Cost: 10€/ child For registrations (only electronically) click […]

News-Announcements Noesis Society

Women in science “break ceilings” – open discussion as part of the 32nd Money Show 11.2.2024

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science Sunday 11 February 2024 16.30-18.00, at Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki Hotel (EPHESUS II room) Women in science “break ceilings” Dr. Stella Bezergianni, NOESIS President and Research Director of CERTH discusses with: – Chara Charalambous, Dean of the School of Sciences, Aristotle University of […]

News-Announcements Noesis Society

Children and the Internet: safe surf – information event 9.2.2024

Friday 9 February 2024 18.00 at NOESIS Amphitheater Greetings President of NOESIS, Dr. Styliani Bezergianni Mayor of Thermi, Theodoros Papadopoulos Speakers Christos Papadopoulos, Second Lieutenant, Northern Greece Cybercrime Subdivision, Hellenic Police Konstantinos Siomos, Professor Psychiatrist / President HSMDED (Hellenic Association for the Study of Internet Addiction Disorder) With the participation of Christos Tatsiopoulos, a high […]


The life of Mr. Dendroulis 3D – NEW film at the Cosmotheater

Two clever insects, Dolores Ladybug and Mike Fireflies, take us on a journey into the wonderful, wondrous world of trees and explain why they are so important for life on our planet. We learn how trees are nourished, and how they provide the essential element for everyone’s life, oxygen. From first to sixth grade. For […]