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NOESIS STEAMLAND 24 for the second year at NOESIS!

Join your children to get to know the extracurricular activities and skills of the future related to the STEAM fields! NOESIS will once again be transformed into a meeting point for children and parents with groups and institutions of the city that are active in the broad field of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. We invite you to attend the NOESIS STEAMLAND 24 Festival together with your children, explore the skills of the future and choose the extracurricular activity that best suits their interests and personality through a variety of STEAM activities. With more than 30 exhibitors (local bodies, companies, KDAP, schools, etc.), NOESIS STEAMLAND 24 offers you the opportunity to participate in this great celebration and get to know the core of STEAM education in the city, through presentations and workshops. General admission costs 1 euro and part of the proceeds will be donated to charity. During the Festival, NOESIS will operate normally, but with a reduced ticket of 3 euros for each screening of the Planetarium, Cosmotheater and Simulator, as well as for the entrance to the Museum of Technology. No day tickets will be valid. Detailed information about the program on the website of NOESIS STEAMLAND 24 which is constantly updated. In case you are interested in participating as exhibitors click here.  Sponsors

Published: August 22, 2024