
Researcher’s Night at NOESIS 27.9.2024

NOESIS Science Center and Technology Museum participates in the largest pan-European celebration of science and research, the Researcher’s Night.
The aim of the events, which take place on the last Friday of each September in many European cities, is to introduce the public to researchers and their scientific work.
This year, in the framework of the HORIZON program of the European Union entitled PICO (Physics for All), a Researcher’s Night will be organized, on Friday, September 27, 2024, at NOESIS participating as co-organizer. The aim is to inform the public on Physics and Astronomy, while the event will be held simultaneously in four countries (Greece, Italy, France and Spain), with the participation of leading European scientific bodies.
Overall, the participating institutions are: • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (coordinator) • National Observatory of Athens • Ellinogermaniki Agogi • EUROPEAN GRAVITATIONAL OBSERVATORY (EGO) Italy • ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE (INFN) Italy • Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) France • Ιnstitut De Fisica D’altes Energies (IFAE) Spain The common theme of the Evening, addressed to all ages, will be the many applications of Physics in everyday life and the modern discoveries of astronomy.
Across Europe, Researcher Night is organised in 23 countries and 400 cities.
In Greece, the PICO Project organizes a research night, apart from Thessaloniki and in Athens (Athens Observatory, Penteli – Athens Observatory Visitor Center, Thissio – Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Pallini) as well as at the Observatory of Stefani, Corinth.
The activities This Researcher’s Night will last from 17:00 to 23:00 and will include very interesting activities, such as: – Exciting interactive experiments and simulations – Demonstration of impressive aerospace constructions – Creative activities for young children – Participation of citizens in research projects – Book draw – Saturn observation starparty with telescopes The individual activities are organized by various research groups and laboratories of the School of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Gravitational Waves, Relativistic Astrophysics, Theoretical Mechanics and Astrodynamics, CERN, Nonlinear Circuits and Complexity, Optics and Spectroscopy, Atmospheric Physics, Nanotechnology and Didactics of Physics).
Also, three student groups of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will participate with interactive experiments and demonstrations (ASAT, BEAM/ASTRO, PATH).
Finally, the Department of Physics will present its undergraduate and postgraduate programs of study and will inform about the many different professional prospects it offers.
The evening observation will be carried out with portable telescopes of the Association of Friends of Astronomy of Thessaloniki (OFA) and with portable and robotic telescopes of the Aristotle University Observatory.
More information about the PICO Project can be found on website, while the detailed program of the Researcher’s Night is available on page. Free admission. It is clarified that during the event the projection rooms (Planetarium, Cosmotheater, Simulator) and the Technology Museum will be closed.

Published: September 20, 2024